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The American Foundation for Irish Heritage

The American Foundation for Irish Heritage was established to honor the glorious contributions the Irish in America have made to the growth and development of the United States of America.

On October 12th 1990, President George Bush signed Public Law 101-418, designating March 1991 as 'Irish-American Heritage Month'. This was the first-time Congressional recognition of the many contributions the Irish have made to our Nation's history. This legislation was introduced in the United States Congress at the suggestion of the American Foundation for Irish Heritage. Since then, annually by Presidential Proclaimation March has been designated 'Irish-American Heritage Month'.

The Foundation's purpose will be to help provide a deeper understanding of the impact the Irish race had had and their legacy continues to have on America's growth and development. While continuing to assist those 44 million Americans who proudly share Irish ancestry better appreciate the impact our ancestors made to our great Nation and continuing the same today.

For more information on the Foundation visit