Menu Ireland Calls

Recipe for 'Stir-fry Chicken with Almonds & Broccoli' by 'Loftus'

200g broccoli florets
500g chicken stir fry pieces
3 teaspoons cornflour
Half teasp: five spice powder
Half Teasp: salt
oil for frying
150g blanched almonds
one and a half teasp of finly chopped fresh ginger
1 clove of crushed garlic
2 tablespoons of dry sherry
1 teasp: sugar
1 tablesp: soy sauce
2 teasp: water
2 teasp: cornflour
boiled rice to serve.

Place Broccoli in boiling water for 1 min: then remove to a bowl of iced water, stand for 5 min: drain and set aside.
In a bowl place the chicken and sprinkle with cornflower, five spice powder and salt. Mix well set aside.

Heat 2Tablesp: of oil in wok and fry almonds until golden. Remove drain and set aside. Add the ginger and garlic and stir fry for a min: Add chicken in batches and stir fry until the chicked is cooked.
Return all the chicken to wok and add the sherry, sugar and soy sauce. Stir a little then add combined water and cornflour. Stir fry until the sauce thickens. Add the blanched broccoli and almonds and toss to heat through.
Serve immediately with boiled rice.